Sunday, September 19, 2010

Justin Bieber creates memories in Regina

REGINA — Putting personal opinions about Justin Bieber aside, the reality is that 50 years from now there will be an entire generation of Reginans who will know exactly where they were on Sept. 16, 2010.

With the Brandt Centre literally filled to the rafters, Bieber showed exactly how he’s gone from a YouTube sensation to one of the world’s most popular artists. With an impatient crowd chanting his name, Bieber made his appearance from underneath the stage at 8 p.m. sharp, moving into large metallic sphere before breaking into “Love Me,” a remake of the Cardigans’ hit “Lovefool.”

Wearing white jeans, a white jean jacket with a purple bunny hug and purple high top sneakers, Bieber wasted little time getting into the groove. It’s almost impossible to describe the sound from the crowd when Bieber took the stage — think of an airstrip full of 767 jets at full power, just with a higher pitch. The squealing rolled through the venue like never ending waves of thunder and the old hockey rink with the orange roof literally shook.

Sharing the stage with four dancers, four backup singers, five musicians and the DJ wasn’t a problem for Bieber who used every inch of the two-tiered production. Whether he was involved in a mock fight on the main stage with his dancers or singing on a higher platform at the back of the stage, the Stratford, Ont. teen was always the focus of the show.

Bieber does have his detractors but Thursday’s show was a world-class performance. Bieber may only be 16 but he’s got an amazing stage presence, especially considering he’s been in the business for a relatively short time. He’s smooth on stage and looks like a seasoned professional. Over the course of the 17-song, 90-minute show, Bieber sang, danced, played an acoustic guitar, drums and a piano. He and his dancers pulled off intricate dance routines with ease and, combined with numerous outfit changes and the stunning sound and video, Bieber definitely delivered the goods to his legion of fans.

Although Bieber didn’t literally take flight, he did travel over the crowd strapped into a seat in the middle of a large heart-shaped steel-truss frame. Playing an acoustic guitar — he’s lefthanded — Bieber serenaded his adoring fans with “Never Let You Go” and “Favorite Girl” before floating back to the stage.

Later in the show, Bieber and his boys — dressed in black gear best suited for burglars — donned rigging for a high-flying routine for “Somebody To Love.”

Pop star meets Spider-man!

One extremely lucky fan hit the Bieber lottery during “One Less Lonely Girl.” Seated on a stool at centre stage, she received a bouquet of red roses from Bieber while he sang to her. It was a miracle that she didn’t break down in tears or suffer a heart attack.

Just when it seemed the crowd couldn’t get any louder, the decibel level rose even higher as the fans screamed for an encore. And, of course, Bieber answered the call. After teasing them with a little bit of “Fancy” by Drake and a verse of “Rockabye Baby,” Bieber wrapped the show up with his megahit “Baby.”

It was the right song at the right time, sending the Bieber fanatics home with a lifetime of memories.

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