Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 17: Bieber's Beef - Jerusalem Post

<div id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_article_control_lblArticleBody"><span>Bieber's beef <br /></span>Sir, – The treatment of pop star Justin Bieber by the Israeli photographers and the mishandling of his planned meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu ("Bieber tweets his frustration at paparazzi," April 14) have resulted in yet another hasbara disaster.<p>Bieber spent two days tweeting to 8 million followers – not about the special moments he should have experienced while visiting the Holy Land, but about the constant harassment by the paps.</p><p>In this age of mass social media, when it's difficult to get international pop stars to even set foot in Israel, the authorities must take steps to ensure that visitors with fame and reach are protected and become our ambassadors to their millions of fans.</p><p><span>JONATHAN STEEL </span><br />Modi'in </p>Sir, – Justin Bieber may be popular in the United States and Canada, but&#13; who is he anyway? The so-called professional photographers are quite &#13; unprofessional in my opinion. The trouble can be traced to the &#13; media-manufactured frenzy covering a youngster like Bieber and, sadly, &#13; they have done the same with the likes of Lindsay, Paris and Snookie, &#13; who all belong in the Entertainment Hall of Shame.<p>As for that cancelled meeting with Binyamin Netanyahu, I would think the&#13; prime minister has more important issues! </p><p><span>HERBERT W. STARK </span><br />Massapequa, &#13; New York </p><p><span>Good investment </span><br />Sir, – Regarding "UK student union elects &#13; radical Islamists" (April 14), I think the students who elected the &#13; radicals should be offered free trips for an extended stay in the &#13; Islamic country of their choice.</p><p>Would they then come home to the UK and vote the same way? </p><p><span>HILDA &#13; SCHMERLER </span><br />Petah Tikva </p><p><span>Resonant analogy </span></p><p>Sir, – Eliezer Whartman's letter &#13; "Vocabulary lesson" (April 14) reminded me of an analogy that still &#13; resonates in my brain.</p><p>Comparing the size of Israel with that of the Arab or Muslim domains, if&#13; we envisage them as a football field, Israel could be a matchbox that &#13; lies in the middle.</p><p>Do we really believe that if we accede to the Arabs' demand for half the&#13; matchbox they will let us live in peace? Or will they be emboldened to &#13; take the other half as well? Something to think about.</p><p><span>DOLLY CHINITZ </span><br />Jerusalem </p><p><span>Flags on Pessah </span><br />Sir, – Regarding "UN: PA ready &#13; for statehood, but held back by 'occupation'" (April 13), the United &#13; Nations's main functions appear to be ignoring the slaughter in Darfur &#13; and the plight of women in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt and almost every &#13; part of the Islamic world. The persecution of Baha'is, Kurds and, of &#13; course, Christians in these same lands passes over the heads of this &#13; "assembly of the bizarre."</p><p>Only one nation is carefully examined, dissected, condemned and lied &#13; about by the "Oom- Shmoom," as our first prime minister prophetically &#13; called the world body.</p><p>But what is even more outlandish is that we celebrate our independence &#13; on a day connected to a resolution by this council of hypocrites. The &#13; resolution they endorsed that led to the Jewish nation of Israel was in &#13; fact meant as a death sentence, given the borders we were granted – &#13; borders that in no way were for a nation being restored to its homeland.</p><p>This year, more than ever, we must celebrate the true date of independence for the Jewish people.</p><p>That day is when our eternal Father took us out of slavery in Egypt and led us home to the land He promised our patriarchs.</p><p>Therefore, I urge every Jew to display our flag on the 14th day of &#13; Nisan, the real day we were granted independence as the true sons of &#13; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.</p><p><span>DAVID STAR</span><br />Ma'aleh Adumim </p><p><span>Better use for rails </span><br />Sir, – Once again there &#13; is a delay in the operation of the the capital's light rail system &#13; ("J'lem light rail passenger trials delayed," News in Brief, April 13). &#13; Eventually, it might be dubbed "Jerusalem's Folly."</p><p>Considering the increasing number of cyclists in the city and the lack &#13; of proper bike lanes, perhaps the railway lanes should be turned over to&#13; the bikers. There are even benches on which to rest along the way! </p><p><span>DIANA SCHIOWITZ </span><br />Jerusalem </p><p><span>Desperate leaders </span><br />Sir, – Despite the recent &#13; escalation in violence, Israel allowed the transfer of 3,656 trucks to &#13; the Gaza Strip with food and medical supplies, and the transfer of an &#13; additional 2,100 truckloads of other goods, including gravel for &#13; construction ("Defense officials predict conflict with Hamas is likely &#13; to escalate," April 12).</p><p>How desperate our "leaders" are for world approval that we even continue&#13; to feed and supply our enemies. (And don't tell me they are innocent &#13; civilians: Those "innocent civilians" celebrated the slaughter of the &#13; Fogel family, the youngest being only three months old. Those &#13; "innocents" voted for Hamas.) The sickness of it all is that the more &#13; concessions we make, the more we are castigated, ridiculed and become – &#13; if we're not already – completely delegitimized.</p><p>And now we have Jewish first grade teacher Ma'ayan Elimelech of the &#13; Arabic-Hebrew bilingual school in Beersheba telling her Jewish and Arab &#13; pupils, who have spent the night in a bomb shelter or sealed room, that &#13; "there are always bad people on both sides and that bad people are bad &#13; people" ("School of hard knocks," Comment &amp; Features, April 12).</p><p>The insinuation, of course, is that Israelis are also bad, even though &#13; we know our attacks come only in response to attacks by terrorists. Is &#13; this the teaching we want for our Jewish children? </p><p><span>YENTEL JACOBS </span><br />Netanya&#13; </p><p><span>She's nice, huh?</span> <br />Sir, – After reading Shmuley Boteach's defense of &#13; President Obama's adviser ("A frank discussion with Samantha Power," No &#13; Holds Barred, April 12), I went to the Internet to see the entire &#13; threeminute clip of that controversial interview.</p><p>Unfortunately, Boteach's contention that Power was dismissed as an enemy&#13; of Israel based on a "fragment" of a single interview does not hold up.&#13; He forgets to mention Power's suggestion that the billions in aid to &#13; Israel might be put to better use in building a Palestinian state. This &#13; hardly sounds like a friend of Israel.</p><p>The fact that Power was personable and accessible to Boteach does not detract from the fact that she is a danger to Israel.</p><p><span>SHELLY WEINREB </span><br />Ra'anana </p><p><span>Fusion is the way</span> <br />Sir, – The disasters in &#13; Japanese nuclear reactors have, rightly so, given this form of energy &#13; production a bad name. But controlled nuclear energy comes in two forms:&#13; nuclear fission, as with the present reactors, and nuclear fusion, the &#13; very process that formed all 92 elements from which our world is &#13; composed.</p><p>Fission inherently holds a potential danger due to the vast hordes of &#13; radioactive atoms produced as by-products. But the fusion of hydrogen &#13; nuclei to form helium entails no such danger. The byproduct is helium, &#13; inert and stable.</p><p>The science of the fusion process is totally known. It powers our sun.</p><p>The technology to attain the necessary high pressures and temperatures &#13; has yet to be acquired and so requires further research and development,&#13; but this is no more daunting than what was faced when controlled &#13; nuclear energy was first attained.</p><p>Nuclear fusion is literally nature's choice for long-term energy production.</p><p>Humankind would do well to take this lesson from nature and learn to apply it.</p><p><span>GERALD SCHROEDER </span><br />Jerusalem <br /><span>The writer is a physicist and has witnessed &#13; nuclear detonations. He currently does work in radiation control.</span></p><!-- Terms Count: 20 TTL: 60 Terms From Server: Shmuley Boteach&rsquo;s, President Obama&rsquo;s, Samantha Power, Saudi Arabia, Petah Tikva, Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, Elimelech, Beersheba, Ra&rsquo;anana, Netanya, Modi&rsquo;in, Pessah, Israel, Paris, Libya, Jacob, Egypt, Arab, UN DateTime: 4/16/2011 8:57:19 PM --></div>

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